de Jong Horses does not hold or reserve horses for customers. Before the purchase, all investigations and inspections are allowed to be taken. After the purchase, the horse(s) is at the risk of the buyer. de Jong Horses provides a purchase agreement with the purchase. This agreement contains, among other things:
- The identities of the buyer and seller
- The horse(s)
- Guarantee on Stable defects
- Description of the food the horse(s) normally are given.
- Stable and Training descriptions
This information can be used as a guide. de Jong Horses can not guarantee that the achievements or level of the horse will sustain in the future. de Jong Horses provides all available information (identities,papers,investigations,photos) of the horse.
When the purchaser makes a purchase without seeing the horse, all the risks are for the purchaser. Should there be any dispute, this will be handled by the court of East-Brabant. When its a Canton case, the court will be in s'Hertogenbosch. With every purchase the Dutch law applies.